I bless the name of the Lord for using this alter (HOP) and his son Evangelist Bee to
turn my story around sooner than I expected.
During the 3days 11th hour fasting and prayers summit, one of my prayer point was
financial breakthrough.
I got a Job interview in Jan with offer letter double my current salary but the location
was on the Island which will require more expenses due to my current remote Job.
I tender the new offer with my present employer and I was given salary increase
effective 1st of Feb close to the new offer. The % increase had never happened in the
history of my department.
Am still in shock of this divine intervention and the speed at which God did it is amazing.
Brethen, help me to Thank the prayer answering God of HOP.
A special Thank you to you sir for your prayers, advice and guidance during the
interview process and Salary increase negotiation in my office.
God bless you sir and God enlarge HOP.
Evangelist Banji, around the summer last year, I started participating in the Weekly HOP
program on Wednesdays from the United Kingdom.
You have been a source of encouragement in boosting my mental state at low periods.
God bless you Amen.
I have known that God has called me to business following my relocation from The
United States of America to the United Kingdom. For the last eight years, I have worked
in the United Kingdom Educational sector and to support my family, I started a tutoring
company as well as connect to my career as a Microbiologist to start my Biotech
company. It has not been easy and it has received backlash when dreams and
expectations are not coming or fitting timelines. I am grateful to God that he has infused
strength to put when it is dark.
I turned 47 on January 10 and i asked for a birthday gift from God
A)Last year my Biotech company bidded for an International project that had 64
submission. To the Glory of God as a startup, My company was shortlisted among 12
for due diligence checks. We didn’t make the final cut however this showed I am on the
right track to the finish line with God’s grace. The same Organization had opened a new

bid and My Company is working with partners to tender a new bid. By the grace of God,
we shall be shortlisted Amen.
B) My tutoring company finished low patronage mid last year because of the economic
state in the United Kingdom. I am grateful that before the end of 2022 and in the New
Year 2023, clients are patronizing my company. Now God has put the vision to get
involved in the recruitment of Teachers for the United Kingdom in the scheme opened
on Wednesday February 1st 2023 and use this program to provide solution to the poor
state of education in Nigeria.
C) I am seeing reconciliation in my household on the tension that has occurred for a
long time.
Thank you for your Ministry and God bless you Evangelist Banji Amen


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